Instituto de Investigación y Estudios de las Ciudades
Instituto de Investigación de la Red Universitaria de Jalisco
Tipo: Curso-Taller Clave: H0271 Créditos: 3
Horas teóricas: 24 Horas prácticas: 24 Horas total: 48


Objetivos Informativos:

The student must know the conceptual and theoretical relationships that establish the project, knowledge and technology by means the information technology in order to apply this link through tools for knowledge management.

Objetivos Formativos:

  • Intellectual
    • (Know how)
      1. The student must develop a technology assessment tool applied to an information technology related  with the architectural and/or urban project
      2. The student will propose a management knowledge instrument applied to the urban and / or architectural project.
    • (Learn Create)
      1. The student must develop a criteria  in order to link the project with the information technology  in  a knowledge management context .
  • Human:
    1. The student  must have  the ability to make critical judgments about issues related to technology and knowledge in an environment of free expression.
  • Social:
    1. The student  must develop its teamwork skills
  • Professional:
    1. The student  must generate both  technological assessment instruments and  knowledge management proposal   for applying  the information technology  to the architecture and urbanism project..

Contenido temático principal:

  • Unit I. Knowledge and  technology:  an overview of its relations with the architectural and urban project.
  • Unit II. Information technologies applied to knowledge management.
  • Unit III. Information technologies and knowledge management: instruments and methodologies in the  architectural  and urban project

Metodología de trabajo:

  1. Theoretical sessions
    1. Technical
      • Conference
      • Keynote presentation supported by power point, internet, laptop and projector.
      • Questions and answers
    2. Resources
      • Power Point Presentation and MindManager
      • Laptop and projector
      • Wireless Internet
  2. Workshop Sessions
    1. Technical
      • Roundtable
      • Selection and presentation of summaries of suggested reading
      • Keynote supported by laptop projector and  concept maps software.
      • Questions and answers.
    2. Resources
      • Laptop and projector
      • Wireless Internet


The student must comply with at least 80% of the assistance during the course, in order to obtain the right to be assessed.
The evaluation criteria are:

  • Attendance and participation: 30%
  • Presentations (coherence, technical): 30%
  • Final project: 40%

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