Maestría en Procesos y Expresión Gráfica en la Proyectación Arquitectónica-Urbana
Sistema Nacional de Posgrados - CONAHCYT
  • To have with the degree certificate and the bachelor’s degree in architecture, urbanism, engineering, or design. The candidates of other disciplines will be subject to the Program’s Academic Council judgement.  
  • To prove a bachelor’s average grade minimum of 80. Nowadays the acceptation of grades less than 80/100 is approved, in cases of specific generations and majors.
    NOTE: The candidates with a grade less than 80/100, must request previously by written form the approval of their aspiration to the Academic Council, according to the format and the annexed requirements to this invitation. 
  • To demonstrate the reading comprehension of at least another language different from the mother tongue.
  • To have the support of a recognized professional or academic in the Program’s disciplinary field.
  • To expose the motives for which the candidate wish to take the program.
  • To be committed to dedicate full-time to the program.
  • To present a pertinent and congruent research proposal with the GARL of the Program.
  • To have realized and passed the selection process, that includes: a) Curricular Evaluation, b) Interview, c) Introductory Course.
  • Use License for the research project’s publication in the Master’s webpage (only admitted students).  
  • To pay the corresponding fees of the selection process, and once accepted the one corresponding to Enrollment and Credits of the current cycle.

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